lang ea

Fusion, 2021
Polished 316 stainless steel
1500mm height x 750mm diameter
Price on request

Like a shining sentry, Lang Ea’s Fusion is stationed on a natural platform adding a material brightness to this otherwise tranquil bush setting. Crafted from highly polished mirrored stainless steel, the sculpture exudes a sleek, streamlined appearance and explores the idea of joining and merging; the unity of two separate entities. It recalls the moment where a water droplet intensifies to become a splash, or a small vibration expands to create a sound. 

Fascinated by the nature of human experience, the artist has explored the concept of fusion in relation to a human existence with no borders, nations or countries. She notes: “Whilst we like to be different and individual, we grasp for commonality - to belong. This forms our human instinct towards tribalism and groupings such as our tastes and beliefs. Through the careful alignment of the sculpture, the viewer is encouraged to ponder the distinction between the individual self and the collective consciousness.